Giving 56,000 children in Frankfurt a voice.

A total of 16 mothers and fathers from six educational regions form one voice for children in Frankfurt.

The city of Frankfurt is divided into six educational regions. A maximum of three parents from each educational region were elected as representatives to the city parents’ council. In total, 16 people represent the around 56,000 children and their 50,000 parents in around 800 daycare centers run by 200 different providers, 357 daycare families and all-day care in Frankfurt am Main.

We’re concerned about…

Lack of daycare staff

The acute shortage of staff in German daycare centers, including in Frankfurt am Main, has developed into a profound crisis. According to a study by the Bertelsmann Foundation, there is a nationwide shortage of around 384,000 educators, which is having a noticeable impact in cities like Frankfurt. The daycare centers are understaffed, which means that the statutory childcare ratio often cannot be adhered to. This leads to a significant deterioration in the quality of care.

too few daycare places

The lack of daycare places in Germany, especially in large cities such as Frankfurt am Main, has become an acute problem. Despite the legal right to a childcare place for children aged one and over, there is a shortage of over 300,000 places nationwide. The consequences of this deficit are far-reaching and affect both families and the overworked daycare staff.

Improving the quality of care

The quality of care in daycare centers is a central issue for parents, educators and education politicians. In recent years, the challenges in this area have become significantly more severe. High downtimes due to a lack of staff and an above-average number of sick days put a massive strain on the system. The consequences are far-reaching and affect not only the daily care of children, but also their long-term development and educational opportunities.

Early childhood support

Early childhood support is crucial for a child's healthy development and lays the foundation for later educational success. This support should be varied and individually tailored in order to develop cognitive as well as social and emotional skills. But in order to implement this successfully, daycare centers not only need dedicated staff, but also sufficient financial resources and targeted further training for educators.

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